Make Money with eBay’s Affiliate Program
Written by Success Blogger on 9:02 AMeBay Web Services for Affiliates, a presentation by Alan Lewis at Affiliate Summit 2006 East, is now available as a transcript.
Alan Lewis is a technical evangelist with the eBay Developers Program and has been at eBay since 2004.
He helps developers and affiliates use the eBay Web Services platform to develop applications that help users sell, search, and buy on eBay.
Before joining eBay he worked as a technical writer and product manager at Blaze Software, where he helped build the market leading enterprise business rules management product.
Alan has a BA in philosophy from University of California, Santa Barbara. He is a self-taught Java and C# coder. Alan blogs at
Read the transcript from the eBay Web Services for Affiliates presentation.
The session is also available for download as an MP3.
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